Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yes Ma'am. No Ma'am.

Continuing with our G.R.I.T.S. series: 

Good manners are free, but
forgetting them often costs you dearly.
-Traditional Southern Wisdom

One of the most important things to remember in the South is your manners and proper etiquette. They can be your most powerful tool in your arsenal. Not only do they create a great first impression, but they also represent your charm, femininity and style. They also represent our heritage by directly linking us with the lessons passed down to us by our ancestors. Along with our ancestors, the South has gone through its own share of trouble and strife, but our Steel Magnolias were able to live through it with their manners as their only resource. 

Southern Girls Know the Three Deadly Sins:
  • Bad manners
  • Bad hair
  • Bad blind dates

One of the most important things you need to do in the South is write "Thank you Notes." They are the backbone of etiquette. Here are some tips:

How to Write a Thank-You Note:
  1. Use the finest grade stationary you can afford.
  2. Remember that "thank you" is two words.
  3. Always hand write your note in ink, never pencil.
  4. Be specific when expressing why you are grateful.
  5. Always put the note in the next day's post.
  6. Add a gracious and well-chosen closure. Options include:
  • Warmly,
  • Sweetly,
  • Lovingly,
  • Sincerely

Lastly always remember that you never do anything you wouldn't want published in your local paper.

Until next time,


  1. My mom has had me writing thank you notes since I learned to write!! It's like second nature now!!

  2. Thank you notes are so important! Now that I'm finishing up my internship, I know to write everyone a thank you note!

  3. Nothing can replace a nicely written thank you note, they are so important!
